Monday, July 6, 2020

Best Practices While Using a Window Cleaning Gondola

Window Cleaning can be quite a precarious job if you have to go very high up a building. These are some of the best practices that you need to follow while making use of a window cleaning gondola.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

What Are The Safety Norms That Rope Suspended Platform Users Should Practice?

Rope suspended platforms are used commonly in various applications, such as maintenance, inspection, surveying etc. These are also used in construction, such as that of industrial plants, buildings, geological slopes, towers, bridges and dams. Inspection and surveying are the commonest applications which need industrial rope access, particularly while handling, welding and cutting materials. These are carried out by rope access professionals who stick to specialized processes. But they have to stick to a number of safety norms. These include:

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Suspended Construction Gondola - What Are The Various Safety Systems?

A building maintenance gondola is essential for carrying out maintenance or renovation work in a building. It helps workers get access to sites that are high above the ground, such as windows or parapets. This type of platform, in order to make sure of safe operations with no risks of danger to workers, is fitted with various safety devices.

Friday, June 12, 2020

How to Use a Mobile Elevated Platform Safely?

A mobile elevated platform has to be used safely, taking proper precautions, so as to ensure worker safety and take care that the equipment is used within proper limits. People who use this type of platform needs to have enough training for the kind of machine that they have to use, and must be capable of proving the same. Find out how to use a mobile elevated work platform or MEWP safely.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How To Keep Safe While Using Fall Arrester Equipment?

Thousands of people are injured or killed every year due to accidental falls from great heights during construction, renovation, refurbishment etc and other types of work. Falls happen to be the 3rd main cause for injuries in the workplace across the globe. Thus, for people who work at higher elevations, it is important to put on fall arrester equipment – as it can help avoid the risks of injuries or deaths while working in hazardous situations high above the ground. Find out how workers can keep safe when they use this type of equipment.

How To Choose The Best Platform For Lift Installation?

Suspended platform for elevator installation is a special type of platform that is designed for the installation of elevators. It can serve as a protection device and lower and lift people, and is designed particularly to be used in narrow work sites. One can find these coming in the form of single deck as well as double-deck platforms. These can be installed as well as operated with a lot of with ease. Wheels are set up at either side against the walls, which can make the platform work in a reliable, safe and stable way. Find out how you should choose the best suspended platform for lift installation.